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Interview with our newest team member: Dog


Updated: Aug 12, 2021

We are looking to expand our team primarily to increase our expertise. For this reason we are delighted to welcome Dog. This is the first of a few non-human appointments we will be making in the coming weeks. We recently sat down to have a chat with dog.

Like there are some lies that are ok. Like if mum goes “Dog did I feed you dinner?”, and I go, “No, mum. Defo no”. But really she has and it’s like bonus. All good all round

TAAP: Morning Dog. Welcome - we are really pleased to have you on the team.

Dog: Yeah good to be here, yeah. I’m a big fan of pats. And you.

TAAP: We appreciate that. So tell me, how have you been coping during lockdown?

Dog: Good, yeah good. You guys don’t seem to be doing so well, though. You’re all eating like a lot. I’m told it’s called EATING YOUR FEELINGS. I’ve been trying to eat my feelings. Cos I bet they are a good flavour. At least I’m really hoping it’s a good flavour.

I spend a lot of time looking for sticks.

TAAP: I’m sure your feelings are delicious. So Dog, our followers don’t know much about you. Can you tell us about yourself?

Dog: Yeah sure yeah. I like sticks. A lot. I spend a lot of time looking for sticks. Chewing sticks. Chasing sticks. Dropping sticks. It’s a whole thing.

TAAP: Sounds like fun. So one of the big reasons for asking you to join the team is all the work you have been doing about puppy farms. There have been reports that pet ownership has increased massively during lockdown -- and one consequence is that this has been a boom time for puppy farms. Do you have any views on this?

Dog: Firstly yeah – there are defo more dogs around yeh. Like there’s way more barking. And fewer sticks. I’m not sure how I feel about this.

Views on puppy farming: yeah I have views. I’m livid. You know what makes me so mad. The lies. So many lies. Like there are some lies that are ok. Like if mum goes “Dog did I feed you dinner?”, and I go, “No, mum. Defo no”. But really she has and it’s like bonus. All good all round.

But the stuff from governments about maintaining good welfare blah blah blah. Those are the bad lies. I tell you what – I spoke to Jimmy. He lives two houses over. He came from a puppy farm.

Views on puppy farming: yeah I have views. I'm livid.

He told me about it. He told me about the conditions. It’s bad, it’s real bad. Like for example they have to sleep basically where they poop. C’mon. Not cool. That’s what flower beds and door mats are for. To poop on I mean. Not sleep. I like a Sealy mattress.

TAAP: Yeah we agree, there are some really concerning….Dog? Dog?

**Interview ended early. Dog had to leave for (second) dinner**

Catch up with Dog's work on our instagram.

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